Nice moustache Isabelle! I guess she liked the hot chocolate! We went to a different farm this year and I think it was the best one yet. They had an entire barn filled with loose hay and hay bales to jump in. In addition to the regular offerings they also had an 18-hole miniature golf course, petting farm and three-story hay bale maze for little ones, complete with a slide into fluffy hay at the end of the maze. We're definitely going back next year - especially since it's just about 10 minutes from our house!
In the pumpkin patch - notice Mt. Baker in the distance. Looking the other direction we could see Mt. Rainier. Even though we see these mountains almost every day, on a clear day like this we really appreciate them even more.
This is the pumpkin Isabelle chose.
Riding in the wheelbarrow is always the best part! For some reason Jason didn't want to give me a ride though.
In the Washington State Corn Maze. Fourth graders in our area come to this corn maze every year to learn about Washington state history. You start in Idaho and travel the highways and freeways through the state, stopping at landmarks such as the Peace Arch, the Space Needle and the Grand Coulee Dam. Hmmm, fun and educational!
Still in the maze, crossing one of the high bridges.
Oh, we're the farmers scarecrows, we scare away the birds. We keep the farmers corn safe without any words. But when Halloween comes we jump out of the ground. And we scare the boys and girls as they go walking 'round. BOO!!
(Can you guess which part of the song we're doing?) Hay ride!
This little piggy was digging a huge hole with his snout. Isabelle was delighted.
Sitting on the giant pumpkin that won the heaviest pumpkin contest (about 1200 lbs.!)
Back at home Isabelle helped arrange the pumpkins on the porch.
We had a great day!