After our sojourn to our little taste of heaven our next stop was Gas Works Park, which used to be the site of the Seattle Gas Light Company's gasification plant. I know, an odd place to take your child for a day of fun and even the Seattle Times says, "Gas Works Park is easily the strangest park in Seattle, and may rank among the strangest in the world." However, it's really fun, especially on a windy day when there are lots of people flying kites on the kite hill. The park is right next to Lake Union so there are also great views of Seattle. In case you're wondering, some of the local events that happen at Gas Works Park include peace concerts, fireworks shows and it also happens to be the starting point for the World Naked Bike Ride. So, if you're going to visit, come for the cupcakes, stay for the naked cycling. Gotta love Seattle! By the way, I could have put a link to the naked bike ride, but it's not too pretty.
We had carrot-walnut, lemon and red-velvet cupcakes.
**A special message from Isabelle: vvvvvvvvvvmlbbbmmgmmgkgk
Translation: "Thank you for reading our blog. I love everyone. That's it."
P.S. You are enjoying the vocal stylings of ABBA because "Mamma Mia" is Isabelle's new favorite song. Apparently they sing and dance to this song all day at daycare. Don't worry, I have a post coming about that soon.