Sunday, March 28, 2010

Long Time, No Blog Post

Did you miss us? We missed you! My two crazy busy weeks are finally over, now I just have to get through one more week before spring break. (Of course this week won't be any less busy with several meetings and Jason going out of town, but anyone can make it through five days, right?)

How 'bout a quick catch-up?

Cousin Vilia visited!
Isabelle loves her baby cousin...
...but has learned that as the oldest child she will always be the one to have her hair pulled by the babies.
Vilia learned that as the youngest child she will always live in a land amongst giants.

I learned that three against one doesn't bode well for me when it comes to picture taking.
Last weekend Jason taught Isabelle how to ride her big girl bike.

It's her new favorite thing!

Meanwhile, Madeleine watched in amazement as her big sister managed to impress her once again.
Maddy was super excited when it was her turn to walk around the track.

Then Daddy tried to teach Madeleine how to play soccer, which was fairly unsuccessful as Maddy was not interested in putting the ball (or her cheerios) down.
This weekend we pulled out the treasure chest of dress-up clothes and the girls entertained themselves for hours putting on their finery.
Some may say these gowns are tacky but in our house they are considered haute couture. As you can see, accessories are a must.

"Aren't we dazzling?"
P.S. Is anyone else out there totally addicted to Vampire Weekend? They're my new favorite thing!


Kristi J said...

i've never even heard of vampire it a show, a book?? love the new pics :) kj

Molly said...

YES! I love Vampire Weekend. They went to my college and so they performed here last year. It was SO good. They're awesome live, really fun to watch. Plus their lead singer is easy on the eyes... yummy!

The Hull's at #4 said...

My girls called it dressup dazzup when they were little...don't know where they came up with that but they LOVED it!!! I've missed you guys!